What to drink on a low-carb diet

There are a lot of sugar-loaded drinks on offer when you go to the cafe or a restaurant. Water would be an obvious choice but who likes to sit with friends sipping water?

My go-to drink when I am out and about is usually a tea which is funny as when I am at home, I drink only one cup of tea a day but if there is not much choice when I am out, I will have another cup.

Some cafes are selling a wide range of herbal teas which I usually go for if they do.

I also used to order Chai Latte, but I don't any more after discovering that the spice mixture is loaded with sugar.

Coffee or even latte and cappuccino, are also good options if they are made from coffee and milk only. The capsules or sachets which many of us use at home are all loaded with sugar. Buy a good quality coffee and milk frother to make a healthy cappuccino or latte at home. 

Dark hot chocolate with a reasonable amount of carbohydrates (10-14g per drink) is also great as an occasional treat.

You can also order a glass of wine or Gin with a slim tonic.

It's much easier to prepare low-carb drinks at home. Hot chocolate can be made with good quality cacao, liquid Stevia sweetener and some cinnamon. Almond milk or whole milk can be used to create one.

You can also drink as many herbal cups of tea a day as you want. If you've just started with low-carb, making a hot drink when you have cravings is a really good option.

In summer, you can make your own iced tea with peach-flavoured black tea. It tastes amazing.

Essential oils such as Wild Orange can also be used to flavour your water. One drop of doTerra essential oil is enough in this case. Of course, you can use a slice of orange or lemon instead. Don't drink such flavoured water the whole day though as the acid from the citrus fruit can damage your teeth enamel if drunk frequently. It's better to drink such flavoured water with your meals only.

If you are a fan of Coke, a diet Coke might seem like a good option. Bear in mind it's loaded with chemicals though. It might not spike your blood sugar but it will certainly not help towards a healthy you.

Overall, it might be difficult to find out what to drink when out and about. Just make sure to make the best choices possible.




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